Black Book with LivePricing Integration

The AutoIMS integration with Black Book gives consignors values and validation they can trust, conveniently located in the AutoIMS workflow. Consignors can choose to access the data several different ways:

Manually: A user presses the button and retrieves a value in real time. Our connection prompts the user to select regional or national values, and allows users to verify the trim, equipment, and condition level – all of which were selected automatically and used to fetch the appropriate value from Black Book with a single mouse click.

Automated (“Unattended”): A consignor may elect to use our intelligent automation capabilities to pull Black Book values at specified times and process points without any manual intervention. Using all the report filter criteria capability in AutoIMS, clients can dial in the process, so when users log in to AutoIMS, a properly-pulled Black Book value is there waiting.

Historical Record Appending: Were you late to the table in accessing Black Book through AutoIMS? Pick a date range and set any other criteria, and AutoIMS can access the historical Black Book values and append them to any segment of your inventory on demand.

In all cases, Black Book data that is accessed in AutoIMS is retained and reportable for as long as you are an active client. Black Book values may be added to any report or customized layout view. Users then have the opportunity to see an up-to- date appraisal of every vehicle alongside the condition report and all other key data on each vehicle.

Floor pricing just got much easier.

Ready to get going?
Call: 888-683-2272 or email and ask about a free, 2-week trial.